Annual Suitability Reviews


We have a lot of experience in this area and have built our own pre-packaged service, which includes a meeting report for you to take to your client meeting as well as a ‘post meeting’ annual suitability report. These documents bring together the items below in a very well presented, branded package for you to present to your clients.

  • Up-to-date valuations
  • Analysis of existing products and underlying investment strategy
  • MiFID II ex-post charges disclosure
  • Summary of the client’s circumstances, needs and objectives and attitude to risk
  • Cashflow modelling
  • Conclusion of ongoing suitability and supporting research

However, we recognise that annual reviews are not a ‘one-size-fits-all’ proposition and whilst we do have our pre-packaged service available for those who may be looking for support in this area, or those looking for something new, it is important as an outsourced paraplanning firm that we can provide total flexibility so as to meet your individual requirements – and we do just that, even down to branding.

As such, we are more than happy to understand your own in-house preferences and requirements in respect of your annual reviews so that we can provide a tailored service.

If you would like more information on our service, or if you would like to discuss your own requirements with us, please do get in touch.